ケヤキ並木の洞窟 It is a cave made of zelkova tree-lined trees. BLOG ケヤキ並木の洞窟 It is a cave made of zelkova tree-lined trees.
kk object55 cellulitis, foot, pimples, 点滴, 膝, 蜂窩織炎, 足 0 コメント 10年ぶりの蜂窩織炎 For the first time in 10 years, it’s a beeulitis.
kk object55 Camphor, stormnet, street tree, クスノキ, 暴風ネット, 街路樹 0 コメント 街の街路樹に暴風ネットが・・・。There was a storm net attached to the street tree of the town.